
Special nozzle in just 24 hours

Automated cleaning of exhaust systems in the shipping industry is complex and standard nozzles are not always sufficient. However, contacting us is enough to find a solution to your problem - no matter how difficult the requirements on site are.

An example:

One of our customers wanted to clean the rear wall of the exhaust gas cleaning system of a large cruise ship with the highest possible impact. However, standard nozzles fail here. He then came to us and we developed the perfect solution to the problem in just 24 hours.

The requirements were clear. The customer needed a nozzle with a completely closed spray pattern, a high impact and insensitivity to blockages. We therefore opted for a simple design and special materials for the material.

The Wenzel development team developed a unique baffle plate nozzle system made of Superduplex in an individual and high-quality engineering effort that exactly met the customer's requirements.

Three new nozzle variants were presented to the customer within 24 hours and, following initial sample production, series production of the new nozzle began two weeks later.